Thursday, December 2, 2010

What a good thing it's snowed!

Here in England, we're having our heaviest early-winter snow fall since the last ice age.  This looks very pretty...

...but even better, it means I can really get stuck into the WCF Management Committee work and learning about our web site.  One of the MC members complained he'd been away for 3 days and come back to 75 emails from the MC.  And these are not quick, short little emails, they are often quite lengthy and arguing complex points about complicated issues.  Well, that will teach him to go away!

We had our first attempt at a Skype conference yesterday.  It's so difficult to find any day or time when nine people spread all around the world could possibly all meet up on Skype.  This time, we only had a couple of us on the call, but 6 of the 9 members are now using Skype so we hope to make this into a useful weekly supplement to the many email threads which will remain our main way of working.

The Dreamweaver software arrived on Monday, so I have started the tutorials.  We need this software to update our web site.  It's a very sophisticated piece of software, because we have a very complex web site that blends pre-prepared web pages with ever-changing information to produce the finished pages "on the fly".  So it's going to be a bit tricky to get to grips with.  Having looked at Dreamweaver, I'm confident I could knock out new web pages fairly easily - but of course, the main thing I need to do is go and grab the existing web pages, make small changes and re-publish them.  Without breaking them.  So I will be proceeding with caution and asking a friend does this stuff for a living for assistance at crucial moments.  The upshot of this is that, as I thought, it's going to take me a few weeks to begin to correct the out-of-date information currently on our site.  I am sorry about that and hope to fix it very soon.  Thanks.

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